Bioline Agrosciences France

TRICHOTOP BUXUS is a BIOTOP – BIOLINE innovation to effectively control the box tree moth.
The trichogramma contained in Trichotop Buxus are insects that breed by ovipositing in the eggs of box tree moths; they thus prevent the birth of caterpillar pests in your boxwood, before they can even start to do any damage!
I can be used by professionals or amateur gardeners.
It is a totally natural product which poses no danger either for the environment or for humans.
Its level of effectiveness was greater than 86% in our trials, and it can even be applied in the presence of the public, because there is no re-entry time. Some large castles and gardens are already using it!

Sectors :
Category : Intrants Protections des cultures et fertilisation
Nominated for SIVAL INNOVATION 2017

Company details

Company name: Bioline Agrosciences France

Address: Passage des Quatre Saisons

Tel : 04 75 60 16 08

Website :