Gamme résistante ToLCNDV
Syngenta - Semences Potagères
Syngenta develops resistance to the Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus for cucurbit crops: cucumber and zucchini.
This new virus is highly aggressive toward cucurbit crops in Europe.
Its effects include:
- Severe yield loss
- Rolled and curled leaves
- Swelling of veins
- Yellow mosaic patterns
- Stunted plants
In addition to resistance to this virus, Syngenta also provides resistance to viruses already present in these crops on the European market.
Syngenta thus offers producers additional security with this ‘resistance package
Manufacturer's details
Company name : PELISSIER Marie
Address : 12 Chem. de l'Hobit

Company details
Company name: Syngenta - Semences Potagères
Address: 12 Chem. de l'Hobit
31790 Saint-Sauveur
Tel : 0645618423