Winners 2018


La Canne Vale

Eclairvale®MPP is a newly developed device based on patent n°2677856, approved in 24 countries, to thin apple-trees from the flowering stage to the young fruit stage. This tractor-driven system consists of half-rigid rods attached to a rotating swing-out rotor (height: 2.5m, diameter: 3m). As the rods enter the branches and the tractor moves forward, the rotor...
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Sectors :
Category : Machinisme et automatisme
2018 SIVAL Gold medal winner



PMV®-01 is the first officially approved tomato vaccination product in Europe (2015). This strategy protects greenhouse plants used for fresh tomato production from severe quality and yield losses caused by the Pepino Mosaic Virus (PepMV). PMV® is a sustainable bio-solution based on a unique mild and stable Chilean PepMV isolate that colonises and quickly...
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Sectors :
Category : Intrants Protections des cultures et fertilisation
2018 SIVAL Gold medal winner



CMF has designed a new range of multispan plastic greenhouses called “GreenPush” with a metal framework as just one of its groundbreaking features. CMF’s research department devised a new ovalised tube, machined and bent using high-tech steel on the new production line in the MONTEUX facility. Greenhouse design based on this tube, specially for the arch,...
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Sectors :
Category : Solutions pour la production
2018 SIVAL Silver medal winner



Plantsens is a micro-climatic sensor intended to plot crop parameters as accurately as possible. Plantsens measures the temperature, hygrometry and sunshine exposure as close to the plants as possible. This data is then plotted using a dedicated application, which is both ergonomic and intuitive, to help producers get a representation of their greenhouse or...
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Sectors :
Category : Services et Logiciels
2018 SIVAL Silver medal winner

ROLL N SEM ®: FACA-type multipurpose roller


Roll N Sem is a multi-purpose roller used to: – destroy cover crops – break up clods and repack freshly tilled soil. Our roller consists of independent cast-iron toothed wheels to perfectly match the soil’s profile so that the roller can work consistently over the whole working width of the tool. Its design makes it particularly efficient when...
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Sectors :
Category : Machinisme et automatisme
2018 SIVAL Silver medal winner



Bioline has created a new 100% natural solution to control grape berry moth (GBM). With Tricholine Vitis, auxiliary insects are released onto the vineyard to parasite the moths’ eggs. These insects – called trichogrammas – can be more than 80% efficient. Tricholine Vitis is harmless for users. It is not subject to any deadline for re-entry (DRE), can be...
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Sectors :
Category : Intrants Protections des cultures et fertilisation
2018 SIVAL Silver medal winner



Stevia rebaudiana, grown for its steviol glycoside loaded leaves, is a plant that is currently establishing itself worldwide as the main provider of natural sweeteners. Stevia produces a natural sweetener compatible even with both diabetic and low-sugar diets. It also has further digestive, diuretic, antioxidant and cosmetic properties that are of particular...
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Sectors :
Category : Démarche collective
2018 SIVAL Silver medal winner



An expert connected system, based on formulations, recreating climate, light spectra and CO2 conditions to optimise each plant and each stage of its evolution (germination, growth, flowering). The Energie module makes it possible to control both climate and energy efficiency based on plants’ evapotranspiration in conditions of overdensity.
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Sectors :
Category : Machinisme et automatisme
2018 SIVAL Bronze medal winner

Objectif végétal - RFI Recherche Formation Innovation

Végépolys comprises three major aspects: research, training and businesses. The Objectif Végétal programme, with the support of Terre des Sciences (industrial, technical and scientific cultural centre), initiated the launch of a portal outlining all specialised plant sector courses and jobs available in the Pays de la Loire region. This portal will be a great...
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Sectors :
Category : Démarche collective
2018 SIVAL Bronze medal winner



PhytoBarre® is a simple efficient and maintenance free system for phytosanitary effluent processing – a next generation treatment plant. Tanks and vehicles go through a washing facility and the contaminated water collected is then stored in pools. The water in the pools evaporates naturally and the remaining sediment is processed using a unique combination...
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Sectors :
Category : Solutions pour la production
2018 SIVAL Bronze medal winner

TerrÔ Vigne


In 2017, the French General Food Directorate (DGAL) assessed the rate of unproductive vine stocks (missing vine stocks, recently cut back, strongly affected by a wood disease or replanting) at 13% over the whole country. Furthermore, French vineyards have seen an increase in wood diseases - esca in particular - by +0.5% to +1% in all areas. Combined with a...
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Sectors :
Category : Intrants Protections des cultures et fertilisation
2018 SIVAL Bronze medal winner

Long cherry tomato IVORINO


Ivorino is the first and only long yellow ivory cherry tomato variety. It’s a welcome addition to existing colours – red, orange, pink – in the highly popular snack tomato range …bringing a little sunshine to your plate! Ivorino also stands out with its great flavour features. Our tomato catalogue is available See more details
Sectors :
Category : Innovation variétale
2018 SIVAL Bronze medal winner

Nemguard Granules


Nematodes are one of the hardest pests to control for farmers, due both to their specific nature and how hard it is to get to them deep in the soil. In the wake of latest law and regulation changes, conventional solutions have become less attractive and are subject to more stringent conditions for use. Nemguard Granules are breaking away from usual patterns by...
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Sectors :
Category : Intrants Protections des cultures et fertilisation
2018 SIVAL Bronze medal winner



As a winemaking process specialist, PELLENC and its subsidiary PERA-PELLENC have co-developed an innovative ’high throughput’ sorting table that meets the requirements of large production facilities. This unique machine on rollers combines efficiency and quality in sorting up to 70 tonnes of harvested goods per hour. As a worldwide novelty, the smart new...
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Sectors :
Category : Machinisme et automatisme
2018 SIVAL Bronze medal winner

Drone-borne farming sprayer for greenhouse whitewashing and whitewash removal


Want to improve staff safety and to save time? TraitaService has been developing a comprehensive range of services to increase staff safety while providing optimal greenhouse whitewashing. With this in mind, TraitaService has set up a partnership with the AgroFly company with a view to design drones for this specific use. TraitaService provides greenhouse...
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Sectors :
Category : Services et Logiciels
2018 SIVAL Bronze medal winner

GARFORD ROBOCROP guided hoe for young shoots


In 2017, we launched a very high accuracy hoe. With 18 years of recognised experience in the field of cereal crop hoeing from 14 centimetres up, we have now taken the next step. The hoe we are presenting was designed at the behest of a customer to hoe 7cm row spacing using specific 4.5cm wide blades and well-controlled working depth with an accuracy level of...
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Sectors :
Category : Machinisme et automatisme
2018 SIVAL Bronze medal winner



Condensation and droplets inside your glasshouses are now a thing of the past! Holimco has designed a new product for the glasshouse market: anti-condensation systems. Significant inside/outside temperature differentials can lead to a build-up of condensation on the glass inside the greenhouse. As glass becomes water-repellent (due to sediments accumulating on...
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Sectors :
Category : Solutions pour la production
2018 SIVAL Bronze medal winner