Varietal Innovation

Porte-greffe M200 (C.O.V. en cours)


The M200 rootstock (C.O.V. in progress) originates from a cross between Robusta 5 (an apple tree resistant to cold, fire blight, and phytophthora) and Ottawa 3 (a Canadian selection resistant to cold). It originates from the East Malling Research Station program in England, for which Dalival / IFO is the worldwide distributor and responsible for trial...
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Sectors :
Category : Varietal Innovation
2025 SIVAL Gold medal winner

Butternut ORIONIT F1

VOLTZ Maraîchage

The Butternut ORIONIT F1 is a new variety of butternut developed with intermediate resistance to Didymella bryoniae. This pathogen has only been present in French soil for a few years. Brown concentric spots appear on the fruit during cultivation or storage, leading to losses in first-category yield. Thanks to its intermediate resistance to this...
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Sectors :
Category : Varietal Innovation
2025 SIVAL Silver medal winner

Gamme résistante ToLCNDV

Syngenta - Semences Potagères

Syngenta develops resistance to the Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus for cucurbit crops: cucumber and zucchini. This new virus is highly aggressive toward cucurbit crops in Europe. Its effects include:
  • Severe yield loss
  • Rolled and curled leaves
  • Swelling of veins
  • Yellow mosaic patterns
  • Stunted...
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Sectors :
Category : Varietal Innovation

Les porte-greffes tomates résistants au ToBRFV


Les porte-greffes de tomates résistants au ToBRFV renforcent la résistance de la plante tout au long de son cycle de vie, offrant une double protection grâce à l'association du greffon et du porte-greffe. Cette combinaison (Porte-greffe résistant + variété résistante) limite la progression du virus, rendant sa multiplication difficile dans les parties...
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Sectors :
Category : Varietal Innovation