Nominés 2023


Naïo Technologies

Launched in December 2021, the Orio tool carrier succeeds Dino for working on open field crops. Market gardening and row crops like sugar beet can gain from the technical and agronomic know-how provided by Naïo Technologies.  Several types of existing tools are compatible with Orio for seeding, hoeing and weeding in conventional plots, raised beds and...
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Sectors :
Category : Machinisme et automatisme

Tomate Roujande


Roujande est la nouvelle variété de tomate plate et côtelée De Ruiter®, avec une belle couleur rouge combinant un potentiel de rendement élevé avec un ensemble complet de résistances comme indiqué ci-dessous. Voici les principales caractéristiques de Roujande pour sa plante et son fruit. Plante : • Potentiel de rendement élevé, avec une bonne...
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Sectors :
Category : Innovation variétale

The “Tolériante” range


The “Toleriante” tomato range contains three complementary varieties of tomatoes especially selected for open field production. DEFIANT F1, GALADIANT F1 and PROSPERIANT F1 all tolerate the types of mildew found in France, which gives them a real advantage in open field cultivation. More or less virulent depending on the year, the cryptogamic disease had a...
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Sectors :
Category : Solutions pour la production

Tracabilifruits ®


The management of harvesting staff has a direct impact on a farm’s profitability. In arboriculture, the shortage of seasonal workers, their training and supervision in the orchards, quality constraints and harvest periods and volumes are all factors that complexify this profitability still further. To help treegrowers during these crucial periods, Widunn has...
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Sectors :
Category : Services et Logiciels


SFET Société Française des Equidés de Travail

The Agricultural Animal Energy Label is designed for all companies using animal energy to work the soil, whether in direct production (e.g. market gardening) or as a service provider (e.g. viticulture). It supports these companies in their practice helping them to stand out from the competition through the recognised quality of their services, boost their...
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Sectors :
Category : Services et Logiciels

Streamline X Regen


Streamline™ X ReGen is the first line of thin-walled in-line drippers designed and manufactured to meet today's quality and sustainability objectives more effectively (compliant with the ISO 9261 standard). Streamline X ReGen™ offers farmers unparalleled hydraulic performances, and is also the strongest thin-walled in-line dripper on the market,...
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Sectors :
Category : Solutions pour la production

Humival Evolution

Fertival SAS

Humival Evolution is a product embodying the virtuous chain our cooperative Cooperl and its company Fertival have been promoting for over 30 years. Cooperl is a Brittany pork cooperative founded in 1966 in Lamballe, uniting over 2,950 pig farmers in France’s Grand Ouest region. Our farmers work for sustainable pork production through their commitment to...
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Sectors :
Category : Démarche collective

Bliss Ecospray aeroconfined sprayer

Bliss Ecospray

The Bliss Ecospray is an aeroconfined sprayer that treats each side of the vine row. The process is a physical solution to prevent any pesticide leakage during application by means of an impassable air gap. The basic principle involves trapping the product sprayed through the nozzles inside a ring of air projected at high speed. This barrier is physically...
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Sectors :
Category : Machinisme et automatisme



THE NATURAL ANSWER TO ENHANCE AND PROTECT THE IDENTITY OF WINE. A range of products based on inactive yeast, without products or additives, which preserves the freshness of the aromas and tones of the wines. The idea was to have an innovative inactivation process called X-PRO®, performed at low temperature and in absence of oxygen, which allows to obtain...
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Sectors :
Category : Solutions pour la production


EBBJ sarl

The DELAHADE system, the result of several years’ research, increases the density of production in greenhouses by moving cultivation gutters sideways. It is highly versatile, and can be adapted to both new and old installations very cheaply. With all or part of the old cultivation gutter installations. The investment is minimal compared to the cost of a new...
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Sectors :
Category : Solutions pour la production

Bloom by Talis

Cork Supply France, S.A.R.L.

Bloom by Talis is a new sustainable, sensory interactive material for bar-top stoppers. Capsulated stoppers produced in this material are designed to seal spirits and fortified wines. Bloom stands for environmental and economic sustainability combined with a unique, customisable design. A unique 100% customisable formulation. The material used in Bloom...
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Sectors :
Category : Conditionnement, mise en marché

Cle’flo ®


The use of physical barriers for plant protection is a recognised practice widely used for its benefits to crops, as it is effective both against biotic and abiotic stress. Nowadays, several effective solutions exist on the market. Whether they are based on kaolin, calcium hydroxide, talc or diatomaceous earth, they all offer a range of responses designed to...
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Sectors :
Category : Intrants Protections des cultures et fertilisation


UPL France

CEDROZ® is a new terpene-based biocontrol nematicide designed to protect vegetable crops from root-knot nematodes in the soil. The product contains two main active ingredients, which are chemically identical to substances produced by certain plants in nature as a defence mechanism against parasites. These two active ingredients are thymol and geraniol, whose...
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Sectors :
Category : Intrants Protections des cultures et fertilisation



HAEGEUM is a new variety of yellow-fleshed kiwi fruit (botanical name: Actinidia Chinensis) developed under licence in Europe by the French company SOFRUILEG. The innovative added values of HAEGEUM are: -as regards consumers: a visually attractive variety with intense yellow flesh and a shiny brown hairless skin. A scented variety with a high quality...
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Sectors :
Category : Innovation variétale