Butternut ORIONIT F1
VOLTZ Maraîchage
The Butternut ORIONIT F1 is a new variety of butternut developed with intermediate resistance to Didymella bryoniae. This pathogen has only been present in French soil for a few years.
Brown concentric spots appear on the fruit during cultivation or storage, leading to losses in first-category yield.
Thanks to its intermediate resistance to this fungus, ORIONIT F1 ensures a healthy, high-quality product for producers. To date, genetic improvement is the only effective solution to fight this pathogen.
In addition to its intermediate resistance to Didymella bryoniae, this variety features a size tailored to the fresh market and remarkable uniformity. Its dark orange flesh color and excellent shelf life make it a premium product.
Recommended for planting from mid-March to mid-May, ORIONIT F1 develops a trailing and highly vigorous plant. It is classified as a late-maturing variety. Its fruits are uniform, weighing between 1.2 and 1.7 kg, making them ideal for the fresh market! The skin is coppery brown in color while the flesh is dense, sweet, and dark orange. The seed cavity is small.
Manufacturer's details
Website : https://sakata-vegetables.eu/vegetables/
Company details
Company name: VOLTZ Maraîchage
Address: 17 rue lavoisier - Z.A. La Perrière
Tel : 0241545710
Website : https://fr.voltz-maraichage.com