SIVAL Innovation candidature – Step 2: Saving files All items marked with an * are compulsory Step 1 of 3 - Public presentation of your innovative product-service 33% A) Public presentation of the product Public information This information will be seen by all Internet users on the site and may be used on any support necessary to promote the competition and applications (posters, press kit, flyers) Please do not enter any confidential information in this section, as it will be published on the site. Public presentation of the product or servicePhotograph of the productThis image will illustrate your product on our website and all communication supports. No change will be possible once your application is online. This image must correspond to a photograph of your product or service. Do not place the company logo here. Catégorie d’article Arboriculture Cider production Collective approach and services Digital tools, data processing Machines and automation Marketing solutions Ornamental horticulture Plant, soil, and growing media health Production equipment Scented, aromatic and medicinal plants Varietal Innovation Vegetable crops Viticulture Title of the product photographUpload the product photograph here*Very important: your image must be in high definition to be used on the site of the competition and the posters, press, etc. in the event that you are nominated (Jpeg. Format, preferably landscape, 10 Mo max) Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png.Commercial brochure of the product (pfd or jpg)This document can be downloaded by Internet users on the website as soon as your application is put online in the product presentation sheetFormats accepted; pdf or jpg Title of the sales brochure of the productUpload your brochure2Mo maximum, en pdf ou jpgAccepted file types: pdf, jpg. Étape 2 de 3 - Informations privées à destination du jury concernant votre innovation 66% B) Documents pour le jury Informations pour le jury Ces informations ne seront vues que par les organisateurs, experts et jury du Concours SIVAL Innovation. Les données sont protégées par l'article 2 "Le respect de la confidentialité" de la charte d'engagement signée par les experts et les membres du jury. Merci d'apporter ici toutes les informations qui seront utiles aux jurys pour estimer le caractère innovant et la qualité de votre produit ou service (exemple AMM). La qualité des renseignements fournis impacte directement le jugement de votre dossier. Cependant, assurez-vous que vos droits à la propriété industrielle sont bien préservés et les brevets correspondants déposés. Attention, certaines pièces jointes ne seront visibles de votre côté qu'après validation du dossier de notre partCertification documentsIf you desire, you can join certification documents (format pdf or jpg) (exemple : AMM)Title of your certification file 1Certification file 12Mo maximum, en pdf ou jpgAccepted file types: jpg, pdf.Title of your certification file 2Certification file 22Mo maximum, en pdf ou jpgAccepted file types: jpg, pdf.Title of your certification file 3Certification file 32Mo maximum, en pdf ou jpgAccepted file types: jpg, pdf.Documents, reports, experimentation results The jury grants significant importance to the results of experimentations that will support your argumentation, particularly if they were carried out by independent third party organisation (preferred format: pdf. Accepted formats: jpg, word, excel, powerpoint) Title of your document, report, experimentation result 1File 12Mo maximum, en jpg,gif,png,pdf,doc,docx,txt,xls,xlsx,pptAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx, txt, xls, xlsx, ppt.Title of your document, report, experimentation result 2File 22Mo maximum, en jpg,gif,png,pdf,doc,docx,txt,xls,xlsx,pptAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx, txt, xls, xlsx, ppt.Title of your document, report, experimentation result 3File 32Mo maximum, en jpg,gif,png,pdf,doc,docx,txt,xls,xlsx,pptAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx, txt, xls, xlsx, ppt.Title of your document, report, experimentation result 4File 42Mo maximum, en jpg,gif,png,pdf,doc,docx,txt,xls,xlsx,pptAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx, txt, xls, xlsx, ppt.Title of your document, report, experimentation result 5File 52Mo maximum, en jpg,gif,png,pdf,doc,docx,txt,xls,xlsx,pptAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx, txt, xls, xlsx, ppt. Step 3 of 3 - Additional files 100% B) Documents for the jury (CONTINUATION & ENDING) Additional filesFacultative video linkIf you would like to transmit a video, please enter the URL link here where it can be seen.If you would like to submit a video, it must be placed on a server (YouTube or other) and you must give us the link to broadcast it: Cette vidéo est-elle privée ou publique ?PrivéePubliqueOther additional files (facultative)Title of your file 1File 12Mo maximum, en jpg,gif,png,pdf,doc,docx,xml,txt,xls,xlsxAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx, xml, txt, xls, xlsx.Title of your file 2File 22Mo maximum, en jpg,gif,png,pdf,doc,docx,xml,txt,xls,xlsxAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx, xml, txt, xls, xlsx.Title of your file 3File 32Mo maximum, en jpg,gif,png,pdf,doc,docx,txt,xls,xlsx,pptAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx, txt, xls, xlsx, ppt.Title of your file 4File 42Mo maximum, en jpg,gif,png,pdf,doc,docx,txt,xls,xlsx,pptAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx, txt, xls, xlsx, ppt.Title of your file 5File 52Mo maximum, en jpg,gif,png,pdf,doc,docx,txt,xls,xlsx,pptAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx, txt, xls, xlsx, ppt.